Coming Soon
Do you think there should be more international governmental effort towards implementing artificial intelligence in the most profound and beneficial ways for the people? Preventing the misuse of A.I. towards surveillance, control, and making the wealthy richer. For example - Fully automated farms, The invention of various economic-mathematical algorithms in order to better the world economy and make the distribution of wealth more "EQUAL" To make it more accessibly for the low-class not only for the high-mid class.
Do you think there should be more international effort towards creating specific regulations/overwatch regarding Artificial Intelligence use and research to prevent certain disaster scenarios that could devastate/destabilize billions of lives?
Do you think it should be forbidden/illegal to research Artificial Intelligence to weaponize it or create surveillance/control systems?
Do you think there should be more public interest and influence into researching globally beneficial appliances of A.I. and creating prevention plans for rising unemployment?
Would you like for your survey to be a part of community statistics to generate the opinion of our community and express the concerns regarding this threatening/destabilizing topic that is widely ignored and disregarded?
As Metaverse and similar virtual reality games emerge, do you think it will have a noticeable impact on the lives of millions of people resulting in even bigger ignorance regarding the destructive activity of humanity and inequality of the system?
Do you think it will be possible for Artificial Intelligence to reach a "conscious" state at some point? If this occurs the A.I. will most probably recognize humanity as a threat to its existence and a destructive virus for the planet earth